Black Eagle Gratzer
Brewer Reed Jaskula of Platform Beer Co. | Cleveland, OH
Category = 22-B
Other Smoked; Beer Size = 10.5 gallons
Efficiency = 75%
Attenuation = 75%
Original Gravity = 8.62°P
Terminal Gravity= 2.2°P
Color = 3.26 SRM
Alcohol = 3.36%
Bitterness = 31.4
Adapted by StarChefs | November 2016
12.92 lb (93.4%) oak smoked wheat malt, added during mash
0.23 lb (1.7%) acidulated malt, added during mash
0.68 lb (4.9%) rice hulls, added during mash
1.88 oz (47.7%) Sterling hops (9.1%), added during boil, boiled 45.0 minutes
1.03 oz (26.1%) Hallertauer Mittelfrüher hops (3.8%), added during boil, boiled 15 minutes
1.03 oz (26.1%) Hallertauer Mittelfrüher hops (3.8%), added during boil, boiled 2minutes
Yeast: WLP090 San Diego
Mash in malts and rice hulls with 4.32 gallons of water at 157°F. Stir to ensure rice hulls get a good mix, bringing down temperature to 146°F. Allow mash to rest for 40 minutes.
After 40 minutes, infuse mash with 8.91 gallons of water at 174°F. Mix until temperature drops to 164°F. Rest another 30 Minutes.
Collect first runnings into kettle. From here you can choose your preferred method of sparging until you reach “Kettle Full,” or 10.5 gallons.
Bring wort to boil. When it comes to a boil, start a 60-minute timer and follow hop additions and timings listed in ingredients.
After 60-minute boil is complete, chill wort to 67°F and aerate with oxygen by splashing from kettle to kettle, or you can add a pure infusion for 30 seconds with an aeration stone and O2 tank.
Pitch yeast and ferment at 67°F until terminal gravity, l 2.2°P (-1.3 – 8.77), is reached. Rack to secondary and allow to condition at 34°F until clear.
Bottle or keg beer to 2.7 to 3.0 volume of CO2