Benne-Miso-Green Onion Loaf
Baker Ben Campbell of Ben's Bread | Seattle
Yield: 2 loaves
Adapted by StarChefs | February 2020
200 grams sourdough starter
25 grams miso (any kind, but house miso makes you feel extra cool)
846 grams 85°F water
498 grams Cairnspring Yecora Rojo T85 (hard wheat flour)
498 grams Cairnspring whole grain espresso flour (hard red wheat flour)
19 grams salt
2 bunches green onions, thinly sliced, salted, and pressed
5 grams diastatic malt (optional)
Benne seeds
In a bowl, combine starter, miso, and 750 grams of the water. Break up starter and miso until slightly dissolved. Add flours and mix by hand until combined (no dry flour). Cover and rest dough 1 hour at room temperature. Add salt and remaining water. Mix by hand until salt has dissolved and all the water is combined. Fold and turn the dough every hour for 3 to 4 hours, depending on temperature of the room. During the second fold, gradually fold in green onions. When dough has risen by about 30 percent and is nice and extensible, pull out of container and divide into two loaves. Shape each loaf into a loose round and bench rest 1 hour. Perform final shape (either a boule or loose batard), roll in benne seeds, and place in towel-lined baskets or banneton. Refrigerate overnight. Next day, heat a deck oven to between 475 and 500°F. Bake loaves 20 minutes on steam, if you fancy. Decrease heat to 450°F and bake 20 to 30 minutes more, depending on your oven. (Lodge combo cookers are a great sub for a deck oven, using roughly the same temperatures.) Cool loaves on a wire rack or leaning up against a wall. Try to wait 2 hours to give this whole grain dough some time to rest.