
Malt Stock, Banana Syrup, Clove, and Meyer Lemon

Bartender Julia Momose of Kumiko | Chicago

Yield: 1 cocktail

Adapted by StarChefs | october 2019


Malt Stock:
80 grams Belgian biscuit malt
1 teaspoon grated nutmeg
2 banana peels, rined and trimmed
15 grams Emperor's snow chrysanthemum

Banana Syrup:
100 grams banana

To Assemble and Serve:
Clove studded, manicured Meyer lemon swath


For the Malt Stock:
In a pot over medium low heat, toast biscuit malt and nutmeg until aromatic. Add 2 liters water and banana peels. Bring to a boil and decrease heat to gentle simmer. Add chrysanthemum, remove from heat, and steep 15 to 20 minutes. Strain through a chinois. 

For the Banana Syrup:
In a pot over medium heat, combine banana and 300 grams water. Bring to a boil, decrease heat, and simmer 5 minutes. Strain through a chinois, into a nonreactive, heatproof container. Scale and record weight of banana-infused water. Measure 50 percent sugar by weight and add to banana water. Stir to dissolve sugar. 

To Assemble and Serve:
In a mixing glass, stir to combine 4 ounces Malt Stock and ½ ounce Banana Syrup. Transfer to a small growler and pour tableside into a chilled rocks glass. Garnish with lemon.


Bò Tái Chanh


Regenerating Degenerate