Bread & Butter Sammy

Toasted Sourdough Ice Cream, Brown Butter Cake, Seasonal Jam

Bakers Autumn Moultrie and Brian Villanueva of Back Alley Bread | New York

Adapted by StarChefs | October 2021


Strawberry Jam:
908 grams over-ripe strawberries
400 grams sugar
50 grams lemon juice

Toasted Sourdough Ice Cream:
700 grams sourdough bread
375 grams heavy cream
375 grams whole milk
80 grams sugar
60 grams glucose syrup
20 grams milk powder
90 grams egg yolk
1.5 grams salt
100 grams strawberry jam

Brown Butter Cake:
340 grams all purpose flour
10 grams skim milk solids, from clarified butter
5 grams baking soda
5 grams baking powder
300 grams sugar
250 grams milk
120 grams brown butter
50 vegetable oil
5 grams vanilla
2 whole eggs
175 grams water


For the Strawberry Jam:
Wash and hull strawberries and slice into quarters. Mix sugar and strawberries and macerate for at least 1 hour. Combine the strawberry-sugar mixture and lemon juice in a sauce pot. Stir mixture over medium height until sugar is dissolved and strawberries have cooked down. Increase the heat and bring the mixture to a rolling boil until it reaches 220°F. The mixture should be thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Pour the mixture into clean jars and cool down to room temperature. Then place it in the fridge until you’re ready to fold into ice cream later.

For the Toasted Sourdough Ice Cream:
Cut leftover sourdough into ½ inch cubes. Lay flat on a baking tray and toast in a 350°F oven until golden brown for about 30-45 minutes. Remove the bread from the oven and lay on a baker’s rack to cool down. Soak half of the toasted bread cubes in heavy cream and half in milk. Soak overnight. The following day, strain both heavy cream and milk. In a heavy bottom pot, add milk, cream, sugar, glucose, salt. Heat the contents of the pot to a gentle boil. Beat the egg yolks in a separate bowl. Whisk 1 cup of the hot cream mixture into the egg yolk to temper the eggs. Gradually add the egg mixture in a steady stream back into the remaining mixture. Cook over medium heat until the mixture coats the back of a spoon. Remove from heat and pass through a fine mesh strainer. Chill in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours or overnight. Remove from the refrigerator, place in your ice cream machine. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions. When ice cream is finished, place the mixture in a bowl, and gently fold in the strawberry jam. Place the ice cream in a ¼ sheet tray lined with parchment paper, ensuring the mixture is in one flat layer with a spatula. Place it in the freezer for at least 2 hours.

For the Brown Butter Cake:
In a bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, baking powder, and salt. In a separate bowl, beat together sugar, vegetable oil, brown butter, and milk solids. Gently beat eggs into the sugar mixture. In another bowl, gently alternate mixing your flour (dry) mixture, sugar (wet) mixture, and water, until all ingredients are incorporated. Divide mixture evenly amongst four ¼ sheet trays lined with parchment paper. Bake at 350 F for about 15-20 minutes or until a cake tester or toothpick is inserted and comes out clean. Remove from the oven and cool to room temperature, then place in the freezer for at least 2 hours.

To Assemble and Serve:
On a flat surface or countertop, place a piece of parchment paper larger than your cake and ice cream trays. Carefully remove and stack layer by layer, first cake on the bottom, then ice cream layer, and second cake on top. With a cookie cutter or knife, cut out each individual ice cream sammie. Place on a parchment lined sheet tray and freeze for at least an hour. Enjoy your ice cream sammie. Cheers!


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